From now into the new year, it’s one long holiday season. As well as giving thanks, sharing, and caring, it also means food and more food. Groan…..
Not the best time for a food gift basket, you say? Well, if you have someone on your list who needs special foods or is dieting, it’s the perfect time. From ‘heart healthy’ and sugar-free to kosher or organic, there are many healthful choices out there. Your thoughtfulness would be even more appreciated at a time when they are tempted by so many ‘no-no’ foods.
Myself, I juggle the dietary requirements for several health problems, including diabetes. For the diabetic on your list, there is the Sugar Free Smiles: Diet & Health Gift Basket, a sugar free assortment of cheese, crackers, cookies, candies, and snacks. For your gourmet diabetic, the Gourmet Sugar Free Gift Basket sounds particularly mouth-watering. A rectangular, natural and blue willow basket with wooden handles is filled with goodies such as Sugar Free Go Lightly Lemon Ice Tea Candy, sugar free jelly beans, Sugar Free Peanut Butter Truffle Bar, Lazzaroni Classic Italian Sugar Free Cookies, Petite Beurre Sugar Free Biscuits, pretzel rods, stone ground mustard, Grissini Original Breadsticks, blue corn tortilla chips, mini corn chips, Verduijn Cheese Waiffers, and Zesty White Cheddar Popcorn. A ceramic mug is included.
Know a diabetic who also eats kosher? Check out the kosher Gourmet Sugar-Free Gift Baskets. The Chatila brand products are Kosher Certified. These baskets are custom gift wrapped and include a holiday card with a personal message.
If they are just generally health-conscious, the Heart Healthy Gourmet Food Gift Basket with Smoked Salmon sounds delicious and is a sweet deal at 11% off. This basket is adorned with ivy and ribbons and includes a personalized gift message from you. [As I am on a low-sodium diet, I noted that the food items do contain sodium.]
Want to treat your college student to some healthy choices in snacks while they study for those exams before holiday break? At a 15% discount, the “For The Health Of It” Care Package is not only good for them but also good on your budget. A white gloss gift box is packed with Baked Lays Chips, Rold Gold Pretzels, Sun Chips, 100 Calorie Toasted Wheat Thins, 2 packs of 40 calorie Gold Fish crackers, Quaker Oats Chocolate Drizzle rice snacks, and Sun Maid yogurt-covered raisins.
Or for something a little different, consider the Study Buddy Healthy College Student Care Package that combines classical music CDs and healthy snacks to nourish mind and body. You have a choice of ‘Motivation’ or ‘Concentration.’ The Motivation Study Buddy Care Package, packed in a handmade basket, contains a classical music CD ‘to inspire peak performance and instill the enthusiasm your college student needs to complete tasks. The snacks are energizing and will enhance mental focus.’
Whether your recipients have special dietary needs or you just want to promote healthy eating, your holiday gift basket choices are numerous. They are not only ‘good for you’ but temptingly yummy, too.