Gift Ideas For Your New Girlfriend

On those occasions when youre supposed to give gifts to your new girlfriend it can be hard to figure out where to start. Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, and all the other occasions in the year call for a gift from you. It doesnt matter if youve been dating for one month or one year your new girlfriend will appreciate and be thankful for the gift. She may not say shes expecting one, but the truth is it would be nice.

So how do you figure out what the perfect gift is? Well, there are a few different ways to do this. Remember that its not the price of the gift that matters, but its the thought behind the gift that will really make her happy.

The first trick to finding the perfect gift is to listen to her. She will give you clues while she is talking. For instance, she may say how much she loves a certain item out there. If she hasnt already gotten it for herself then chances are she is not going to. Buy it and surprise her with that item that she absolutely adores.

The second trick is to listen to what she doesnt know she needs. This will be the stuff she complains about. For instance, if she has been talking about how heavy her books are to carry around then get her a really good book carrier. If she has been complaining that her alarm clock annoys the heck out of her in the morning, then go out and get her an alarm clock that plays soft music. The trick is to figure out what will make her life easier and happier. She will be amazed at your ability to spot her needs.

The third trick is to give the things she likes about you to her as a gift. You can do the coupon book where you give her free hugs or foot massages. The coupon book may be an old trick, but she will love every coupon choice she has. And it gives the added excitement into the relationship by her using her coupons whenever she wants.

Lastly you can do something that is about your relationship. Put together an album of pictures from the beginning of your relationship. Buy a t-shirt from the place you first kissed. It should be something that she will be able to look back on in the future and smile knowing that you really thought about the relationship and put some thought into the gift.